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Education Vs. Schooling

I keep asking myself and others, do you think humans are being humans? I can’t see it. I know that evolution has brought us to this point in history, and for reasons I believe to be true, we have, over the course of the last century or two and maybe longer, become human doings. We live to work, particularly in North America, instead of just living and being human beings. I live in a relatively small apartment building and know none of my neighbours. People pass each other in the street and hardly ever speak to each other. We quietly judge others and, in the company of friends, will judge others openly. What has become of our species?

I look around, and everyone works at something other than toward their goals. Do people actually set goals of personal achievement? I see people toiling and suffering doing something they are good at doing but not doing what they love to do. I see people “Hustling” and not caring about whom they are hustling. I see good people obsessed with their bottom line and not seeing what’s in front of them or the possibilities they can create. I think we are not behaving the way we should. I see humans being stressed. I see humans being depressed. I see humans being overweight and out of shape. I see humans oppressed and submitting to what society calls “Normal Behaviour.” Society’s “Normal” is not normal in any sense. It’s conformity. Conformity is the opposite of bravery. Bravery is to be one’s self and be who we are individually. Being a Nudist or Naturist is a step in the right direction. Being part of a community that lives peacefully with each other. Expressing tolerance, acceptance, forgiveness, and love easily and without thought. Co-creating an environment of peace and living without being stressed. Not living to work. Living to be.

What if we learned to study ourselves? What if we all understood our thoughts and feelings? What if we could take control of our thoughts and direct our energy to co-creating a beautiful life for ourselves? Would that not translate to others? Would our actions help others achieve their goals? Wouldn’t we experience fulfilling and wonderful rewards if we all learned to think?

“An educated person is not necessarily one who has accumulated a vast amount of specialized or general knowledge. An educated person has so developed the faculties of the mind that they can acquire anything they want without infringing on the rights of others.” (Paraphrased) ~ Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich, Chapter 5, Specialized Knowledge.

Napoleon Hill says that controlling one's behaviour is not taught in schools and should be mandatory.

There are six higher mental faculties that humans have been gifted with. These faculties of the mind are what separate humans from all other species. They are, in no particular order, will, imagination, perception, reason, intuition, and memory. I was utterly ignorant of this fact until I met Bob Proctor. Who was he? He passed away in February 2022. At that time, he owned 20+ companies and was very wealthy. Yes, he wore fine suits and had a nice car and a very modest home in a suburb of Toronto. But you wouldn’t know how wealthy he was and still is. His estate continues to earn revenue, which is funnelled to worthy philanthropic causes. He was the most generous person I have ever met. Bob was a master of his behaviour, and he loved all things and everyone. The last thing he said to me in a personal conversation was, “Keep studying; it gets easier.” He didn’t mean to go to school and get another bit of wallpaper. He meant to look inside and find who’s there, change the bad habits into good ones and keep looking to help others.

There’s a big difference between education and schooling. Schooling is what most people confuse with education. Schooling is sitting in a classroom with twenty or thirty other children listening to a well-meaning and excellent teacher drone on about a subject that interests only one or two students. The information being provided is just information. And the children are expected to sit in that classroom and listen. They’re forced to pay attention. They’re not allowed to use their imagination for daydreaming. They get brainwashed into behaving like everyone else, and ridicule and criticism are used to install these ideas in young fertile minds. The schooling continues in high school. Move from classroom to classroom, sit and listen to the information. Write essays and quizzes. At the end of the semester, the students are provided with report cards, and for most children, anxiety rises because they have to present that card to their parents.

The report card is used to direct the future of the student. It’s supposed to describe what the student is capable of, but it does no such thing. The most erudite scientist could not tell anyone what they are capable of, yet we think that standardized testing can. The only thing that a report card states is that a person sat in a classroom on a particular day for a certain amount of time and could regurgitate only a certain amount of memorized information in a manner acceptable to the teacher. Schooling is practicing memory. No matter how much schooling a person accumulates, schooling is designed to turn people into minions. Enslaved people to work in factories and businesses, not of their own making but belonging to someone whose mind is firmly set on money and their bottom line. Schooling is an institution of control.

Wouldn’t you be outraged if you knew your rights were being infringed upon? Schooling teaches nothing about human rights. Schooling is an institution set up over 100 years ago, and nothing has changed in the schooling methods since. Schools have not progressed in understanding mind and thought and how to inspire students.

At five years old, a person is just beginning to develop their higher mental faculty of reason. But because they are forced to sit quietly in a dark classroom with thirty other children, forced to pay attention to what’s on the board, forced to listen to a well-meaning and excellent person lecture on a subject that holds no interest for the child, stress is induced in those children. They are stifling the creative imagination by pushing it to a dark recess of the mind where it atrophies. And then, the children are tortured by being forced to sit in a classroom for a specific amount of time to answer questions presented on paper, requiring them to exercise their memory to be awarded a useless grade.

Please be aware that I understand that schooling is essential. But the schooling method is not, and never has been, a good way of doing things.

Education teaches people, no matter how old, how their thoughts control their feelings, how their feelings translate into actions, and how their actions accrue the results they experience—teaching people to understand their six higher mental faculties and exercising them to create powerful tools they can use to create the life they wish. Education should be teachers being students and students teaching the teachers. Students could then study what they want to study and excel at becoming. Students would learn that the challenges they face are just challenges they can overcome using their creative imagination.

All we want as humans is to live in peace and harmony with each other, Nature, and Mother Earth. We want to play and relax and be. We want to be happy and fulfilled. We want to be free. It all starts with an idea and with an understanding of ourselves. Educating people to become consciously aware of their actions, feelings, and, therefore, their thoughts will allow them to behave in a manner that will not infringe on the rights of others. Nudism is an excellent start to that education.


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